How to Attain Better Digestive Health in 4 Steps

The goal of achieving a clean bill of health is one people are starting to take seriously. Never before has there been so much about awareness about the benefits of a balanced and healthy nutritional plan. People are now conscious or aware of what they eat, how much rest they get and how their active or sedentary lifestyle affects their body. Health expert have successfully established a nexus between prevalent health problems, such as cardiovascular and digestive disorders, with lifestyle choices such as consumption of low protein and fat-dense meals, heavily processed meals, and drinking of alcohol, carbonated or fizzy drinks. Better Digestive HealthEating healthy is vital to achieving healthy nutritional balance and promoting digestive health. Why? Most toxins, poisons and potentially harmful substances to the body are ingested and these substances directly impact the digestive process. Without a healthy nutritional strategy in place, the body is risk of being exposed to substances inimical to digestive health which could lead to complications. Some prevalent digestive or Gastro intestinal disorders include constipation, flatulence, heart burn, anal fissure, diverticulitis and Hemorroids. In order to achieve a healthy digestive system, a combination of healthy organic food ingredients and probiotics must be included in the nutritional plan. These meals ensure the body receives nutritious minerals and vitamins, supports gastrointestinal microbial activity and reduce exposure to harmful chemicals and preservatives. So, how do you keep your digestive tract healthy? It is quite simple. The steps below provide you with a template for experiencing digestive health

1. Eat Healthy meals, avoid non processed meals

HEALTHY MEALS The first step to achieving digestive health is a change in eating lifestyle. A poor meal choice deprives your body of necessary macro nutrients and minerals. Fat dense meals such as fried chips, fried chicken, and bacon often result into heartburn, acid reflux when consumed in excess. Steatorrhea, a condition in which the stool contains excess feaces, is also caused by excess stress on the stomach. Chilli peppers and other pepper spices can damage the walls of the intestines eliminating beneficial microbial life in the process. Also, Chocolate, Caffine have also been linked to bloating, flatulence and gastrointestinal reflux disease. Moreover, processed meals contain preservatives and chemicals which are potentially toxic to your digestive system. Meals such as bananas and yogurt provide minerals and healthy bacteria to the body respectively. Yogurt, supplies and replenishes beneficial gastrointestinal bacterial and flora which aid the digestive process. Poor meal choices deprives your body of necessary macro nutrients and minerals. #EatHealthy Share on X

2. Know your digestive system

In general, eating properly involves reducing intake of processed or fatty meals, and consuming more of organic or healthy meals. However, proper knowledge of your digestive system means you will meals or ingredients that could potentially trigger indigestion or digestive disorders. For instance, Lactose intolerant people avoid Dairy products because their body can’t process lactose. If they do, they flatulence and bloating will occur. Also, poor eating habits such as not chewing of food and eating quickly also may result into the aforementioned disorders

3. Eat a High Fiber diet

EAT MORE FIBER Cabbage, Yougurt, Kimchi, oats and other whole grains have been proven to aid digestion because they provide adequate fiber to the body. Fiber eliminates the buildup of wastes in the body and also keeps bowel movement regular

4. Consider taking Probiotics

Another way of ensuring digestive health is to take Probiotics. Probiotics are supplements or food ingredients that enhance the growth of bacterial beneficial to the digestive system. These bacteria facilitate the digestive process by helping breakdown of food and supporting nutrient absorption. In conclusion, Digestive health can be achieved through the use of supplements or natural organic meal solutions or a combination of both. Probiotics decrease the population of harmful microorganisms in the digestive system and also replenish the number of these flora lost through bowel movement or disorders. Probiotics are a sure way of keeping your digestive tract free of complications. #DigestiveHealth Share on X