SunBreeze is a powerful formula of all-natural Chinese herbs and extracts for deep penetrating, long-lasting pain relief.
SunBreeze Balm delivers fantastic all-natural pain relief and so much more. You won’t find anything comparable to Sunbreeze® Balm on the market. That’s because it’s formulated with Sunrider’s proprietary blend of super botanicals. However, most pain relievers generally contain alcohol, acetone, or other quickly evaporating solvents and counterirritant aromatic chemical compounds. Sunrider promises that all of its products are hand selected from the finest, nutrient dense botanicals on earth. SunBreeze Balm is carefully manufactured using Sunrider expertise for quality, purity and effectiveness. SunBreeze provides fast acting, long lasting relief when you need it. It is great for chronic muscle and joint pain. SunBreeze is also great for daily use to calm, soothe and center the mind, body and soul throughout the day. For meditation and relaxation, simply massage SunBreeze on your neck, forehead or temples. Sunbreeze’s fresh, invigorating scent both soothes and opens the mind.
Sunbreeze® Balm & Oil both feel cool and refreshing and are ideal for overall rubdowns.
Sunbreeze Balm Ingredients: SunBreeze is made with organic Mint extract, Cassia (Chinese Evergreen Tree – Cinnamon) and Eucalyptus Oil. These botanicals have been used for thousands of years to treat and relieve painful muscle and joint ailments; alleviate arthritic pain, soothe the mind, relieve tension headaches and stress.

Sunbreeze Balm
- Quickly Absorbed
- Paraben-Free
- Reduces pain, swelling and bruises
- All natural – No Artificial Preservatives or Additives
- Easy Application
- Works Naturally With Your Body
- Non Greasy
- Soothing, Invigorating, All-natural scebt
- Immediate, Long lasting pain relief
Sunbreeze Balm – Common Uses
- Back and Neck pain
- Sore, Stiff Muscles
- Rheumatism
- Joint pain and Arthritis
- Strains and Sprains
- Headaches
- Muscle Tension
- Restore / Detox Tired Feet
- Use Before and After Exercise
Directions: Gently massage Sunbreeze balm directly on affected muscles and joints to relieve aches, pains, soreness and stiffness. External use only. Use with heat for deeper penetration and relief. Caution Avoid Eye Contact.
Read our Sunbreeze blog article to learn Why We Only use Sunbreeze Oil & Balm. For total relaxation, try a relaxing cup of Fortune Delight or Calli Tea with your SunBreeze experience.